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Mini-Music Makers
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Please fill these out to the best of your ability. If something does not apply to you please just mark NA.
Indicates required field
What is your ideal student count?
What amount of money would you like to see yourself making with PML by the end of 2025
What are your work goals? What are your personal goals?
Are there any small jobs you would like to take over? Example: Inventory Watcher, Lending Library Attendant, Anything You Think Needs Attention you can do well at?
Is there any equipment you need to perform your job better?
What kinds of students do you feel comfortable/uncomfortable teaching? Kids? Adults? Special Needs? Groups?
What jobs and topics do you feel you need trained/help with?
Is there anything new you want to offer in 2025? Classes? Instruments? Etc.
How many days could you teach if you had students to fill every possible spot?
In 2025 do you/will you have any prolonged stretches of missed lessons? Long vacations? Tours? Please list rough dates.
Are there any past students that you would like to see return back to the active roster? If so please list. This will allow me to focus more efforts on people that are likely to return.
Do you have any ideas for the studio? Anything you can offer new idea wise that we do not do? Anything you think could work more effectively?
Anything You Need To add? Feel free to add any suggestions or things I missed here.